Hotel City Inn hosted the conference on prevention, which took place on October 26 in Budapest. The goal of the “Youthfulness – Foolishness – New Addictions and Opportunities for Family Members” conference was to highlight the danger of new forms of drugs and share challenges professionals are facing. The conference began with the introduction of the Megálló Group Foundation’s management on occasion of the 20th anniversary of its existence.


In the first lecture, Bernadette Kun, a psychologist and assistant professor of non-substance and behavioural addictions, talked about “Non-substance Addictions of Nowadays”. Dr. Máté Kapitány-Fövény, assistant of the Department of Addictology on SE ETK, the candidate for Clinical Psychology Department Care for Drug Addicts of the Nyírő Gyula Hospital OPAI speech followed on topic “The New Psycho-active Substances: Executioners on the artificial turf”. Mundrucz Anett, a training organizer and MRE KIMM, a co-worker, shared her experience with a family of addicts called “Changes in the Family”. Dr. Méhesné Anna Jakucs, a special pedagogue, Head of Mental Health, Healthcare and Methodology Department, and Péter Oláh, Head of the Megálló Group Foundation, brought the audience closer to “Therapeutic Opportunities for Young People”. Last but not least, Mgr. Kálmán Szőcs, Director of Resocialization Centre and Halfway Home Centre, in his lecture titled “Therapeutic Strength of Faith” presented his institution and therapeutic program.





In the evening around 7 p.m. the program continued with many participants, yet in a friendly atmosphere. The young clients of Ráckeresztúri Tinirehab and the young participants in the the Megálló Group Foundation theatre training showed performance, as well as a coach and singer of a band and a spontaneously formed “band” consisting of rehabilitated abstainers, including Tibor Kiss, frontman of the Quimby music band.