The third activity of the project, the exchange of experience of the partners´ helpers started in Veľké Kosihy, in the Nádej. During a five-day study visit, two experts from the Megálló Group Foundation became part of the everyday life of the Nádej.

The Megálló therapeutic program leader and a theatre therapist actively participated in group sessions organized in the morning at 8:00 a.m. and afternoon at 5:00 p.m.; during morning and afternoon therapeutic work in the garden, in the stable and in workshops it couldn´t be missed out on sports activities. As part of the study trip, we organized an expert workshop titled “Our Therapeutic Methods” on October 5 at 2.00 p.m. The revival of the study trip was the theatrical training of the Megálló helpers, which was a completely new experience for our clients.

Partners´ experts had an opportunity to take part in a number of personal interviews, get a lot of feedback, experience, and last but not least they experienced a lot of laughter.